6 Fun Wall Hanging Ideas

I have been wanting to try my hand at the wall hanging art for a while so I was pretty excited to see this collection. There are a couple of different ones on this list that I am pretty excited to try.
Wall hangings are a fun way to showcase your love of yarn, choosing colours you love and being creative making something different than the usual creations like hats and blankets. It is also a great way to use up those leftover yarn bits that we all have piling up, it is a wonderful reminder of all the creations you have made this year or use the yarns listed in each project either option you choose they will be beautiful.
Yarn Pom Pom Wall Tree

If you have a living room like mine and it's full furniture or kids' toys on a good day, you're left struggling to figure out where to put that tree without rearranging the entire house just to fit one in. We have a huge tree that used to fit in our previous house nicely before we moved, but now the living room has an entirely different layout so the tree doesn't work for us. We ended up downsizing to a smaller tree but had I of seen this beforehand I would have happily gone with this option.
Alexis Howard designed this Yarn Pom Pom Wall Tree Red Heart Super Saver if you're looking for a fun Christmas decoration, or a space saver tree this is the perfect project.

Sizzling Wall Hanging

This Sizzling Wall Hanging had piqued my interest it's not the usual crochet technique, it's made with a fun little weaving process that I haven't used, which makes me want to give it a try I love trying and learning new things.
The Sizzling Wall Hanging was designed by Beth Whiteside, it is made using a couple of different colour choices of the Red Heart Mixology Solids well as a Red Heart Mixology Prints. I can't wait to see all the different colour choices everyone comes up with you all inspire me with your amazing creativity.

Denim Wall Hanging

The Denim Wall Hanging is made using the same technique as the Sizzling Wall Hanging by weaving the yarn. It looks like a fun method of looming I am pretty excited to give it a try.
The Denim Wall Hanging is designed by Beth Whiteside as well. Using Red Heart Mixology Solids, Red Heart Mixology Swirls, Red Heart Mixology Prints and Red Heart Super Saver. The different Mixology yarns along with the Red Heart Super Saver work up pretty together giving it a fun texture and look.

Calypso Wall Hanging

Ok, the name alone has me loving this one Calypso Wall Hanging how fun does that sound! My husband is going to love me when I start hacking limbs off our tree to make these wall hangings, but I want to make up these three wall hangings that were designed by Beth Whiteside. I think they would look wonderful together on the wall as a complete set.
Beth designed this Calypso Wall Hanging using Red Heart Mixology Solids, Red Heart Mixology Swirls, Red Heart Mixology Prints and Red Heart Super Saver. I don't think these yarns are available where I live, so I will have to substitute with something similar. Until I locate the yarn I need you will catch me out in the yard eyeing up which tree has the best limbs to donate while my husband is at work.

Woven Wall Hanging

I find the colours in this Woven Wall Hanging very pretty I love the look of the completed Wall Hanging as well, it's one I would like to make for the bathroom in these colours, it fits my colour scheme perfectly. As with the last couple of wall hanging's this one is woven as well if the name didn't give it away already. After making up the last 3 by this one you are now a pro if you weren't already.
The Woven Wall Hanging was designed by The Red Heart Design Team using Red Heart Grande and Red Heart Super Saver. Feel free to make use of the vast colour pallet Red Heart offers.

Amazing Grays Wall Hanging

This Amazing Grays Wall Hanging is perfect for a child's room or a nursery these would also make lovely wedding decorations to decorate your venue in your wedding colours. It is also a great project to use up yarn ends, which when I am finished with the blanket I am currently working on I will undoubtedly have plenty left over. So this Amazing Grays Wall Hanging will be perfect for using what's left to match the blanket.
The Amazing Grays Wall Hanging is designed by Selena Baca using Red Heart Soft you know that is going to be one lovely wall hanging the Red Heart Soft yarn has such pretty colours.

Yarn Artistry [the_grid name="Yarn Artistry"]
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