Based on an existing pattern with minor alterations, the Bold Thick Cat Nap Crochet Basket uses Bernat Blanket Big Bold yarn in the colour cream.
I tend to be loose with my crochet hook and use more yardage regarding the thicker stuff. I converted the existing basket stop when I was running out of yarn, and now Binky Boo and Puss Puss can fight over which one owns this.
The colouring suits the shedding the cats will do. Always thinking ahead.

Binky Boo is known to sit on this chair behind me when I am working. So, I figured I would create this as her sanctuary while Daddy works.
My Alterations
The original basket had you stopping at 11.5" tall, but I was running out of yarn and stopped when the basket was 6" high. I then completed the final slip-stitch round. I didn't have much yarn left over.
Follow the pattern as written stop when it's 6" high, and do the final round. It's that simple.
My basket version has an interior diameter of 15" for the cat to plant herself inside. Her body will go over the roll for a more cozy and warm nature they love. The exterior diameter at the top is 17", just over 6" high.
I then rolled over the top to the outside. Binky Boo loves to rest her end on the brim.

This is the original basket. I didn't add the tassels.

Other Options

Binky Boo's original in maroon was also a shorter version of another basket. Here's the free pattern for that.
Puss Puss is using my own design. Binky Boo sometimes uses it as well. We have four cat beds around the house for them to rest in. Lawd knows they need their power naps.
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