The Crochet Cruises Handbook was updated for the next two cruises in November 2025. The book includes all frequently asked questions and cruiser pre-planning. This book is our handbook and etiquette manual, which has morphed over the years. With technology advancing since our last crochet cruise in 2022, Daniel has overhauled the book. It is...
Crochet Events
These are the up-and-coming crochet events scheduled with The Crochet Crowd. Events may be updated on an ongoing basis. The status of each event is at the top of each article. Some may be sold out, but spaces may be opened up at the last minute for any cancellations that may have occurred. You need to book through us directly.
Our agent, Sherry Leybovich, for Crochet Cruises where, will coordinate the booking to align with our party.
Our events planner, Karen Ellis, coordinates our Nova Scotia Bus Tours.
You can always request to be put on the waiting list through our two coordinators.
Nova Scotia Crochet Adventure July 12th to 18th, 2025
Status: Sold out, but there is an opportunity for a waiting list position. The August Nova Scotia Tour is the same tour but a month later. Pricing remains the same between the two events. Fill in the register here form for the waiting list. July 12 to 18, 2025, is the first-ever Crochet Adventure Bus Tour...
Nova Scotia Crochet Adventure August 16th to 22nd, 2025
Status: A few tickets are still available for the bus tour. If you wish to be on a waiting list, should it sell out, please fill in the registration form, and Karen will put you in order. This is the identical run of the July 2025 Nova Scotia Trip. Due to a significant waiting list,...
Knotty Yarn Lovers Crochet Cruise November 9th to 15th, 2025
STATUS: Crochet After Dark Program Still Available. Workshops sold out. There is a second cruise directly after this one where you can be on both cruises if you wish. Yarn Ahoy is the second run for this. If you are doing back-to-back cruises, please complete the registration forms on BOTH CRUISES, as our inventory is...
Yarn Ahoy Crochet Cruise November 15th to 23rd, 2025
Status: Crochet After Dark is available on this cruise. Workshops are sold out. There is a cruise directly before this cruise of the Knotty Yarn Lovers. You can also decide to be on that cruise and come with us for that run. If you are doing back-to-back cruises, please complete the registration forms on BOTH...
Stitches & Glaciers Crochet Cruise July 10th to 17th, 2026
Status: Workshops (5 seats left) and Crochet After Dark are available. Sail away with us on board Celebrity Edge on July 10th, 2026, from Seattle, Washington, to as far north as Skagway, Alaska, on board a fabulous crochet cruise. A week on board a luxury cruise ship with fellow crocheters like you. A holiday and...
Loose Endz with Mikey Podcast
A new vision is ahead of Loose Endz with Mikey, a podcast by Mikey with regular crocheters like you. A goal for a very long time has been to talk to everyday crocheters, as many podcasts tend to interview celebrities or people known in the industry. My goal is to speak to non-influential people, as...