I was heavily inspired by the Troublemakers, they call themselves that, from Arizona, who are part of Project Linus and have been for many, many years. They told me that much of their work comes from using Fleece to crochet borders around fleece to hand out to children in need. When we think of children...
Fleece Patterns
Crochet Fleece & Fabric Quilts Pattern + Tutorial
Crochet and Fleece Mix Back at the beginning of last fall, a friend introduced me to mixing crochet with fleece. I have seen it before but I hadn't given it much thought prior to talking with my friend. I was heavily inspired by the concept and realized it's a great way to line crochet afghans...
Back Crochet Project with Fleece + Tutorial
How to Cut Fleece for Crochet Backings This project was presented on board the Crochet Cruises for October 2017 and again June 2018. The goal is to cut the Fleece, generously provided by JOANN Fabrics & Crafts. We will be applying a crochet border to the fleece and attaching to our project. To match your...
How To Add Border to Fleece + Tutorial
How to Add Border to Fleece For any size of fleece, even if you just wanted to crochet a simple border around fleece to hand off to a charity, it's done pretty easily after the skip cutting has been completed. If you haven't seen the Skip Cutting Procedure, see the list of articles below to...
Add Fleece to Crochet Project
How to Attach An Existing Crochet Project to Fleece If you had intentions of matching a crochet project to the fleece for a backing. In previous articles, I have shown you how to measure and cut the fleece already. I have also shown you how to do the first round of the fleece to prepare...