An opening flower-looking Fancy Crochet Cookware Protector makes a great practical gift and also for your own home decor. The petals are open and contour to the pan to protect the surface from other pots, pans, or dishes to be stored that could scratch it.
For extra touches, some surface overlay highlights the shaping in a colourway. Do not use Red Heart Super Saver as pot holders, as they will melt. However, if you double-strand Lily Sugar'n Cream and do one of these, you can use it as a pot holder.

I used one package of Red Heart Super Saver Craft Kits to make all three of these protectors and three more of the basic version. The colours are so diverse to maximize the kit itself.


Article Name
Crochet Fancy Cookware Protector Pattern
DescriptionLearn to crochet a cookware protector that resembles a flower when sitting in the pan.
Author Michael Sellick
Publisher Name
The Crochet Crowd
Publisher Logo

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