In the wise words of myself, "Just because a designer can design it, doesn't mean it should be done!" I grabbed this little basket pattern to do at stitch group, but I didn't realize it had twisted single crochet for 7" on the side of the basket. Once I saw it in the group, I said, "Oh hell no!" I tried a few stitches with the results in the tutorial below.
Essentially, this cute little reindeer will turn into Venison Steak if you ask me! He won't be guiding anyone's sleigh! He's toast! This adorable little Crochet Reindeer Basket isn't all lost, though; we can improvise and change what is a nightmare before Christmas to something magical!
To let yourself off the hook, I would eliminate the madness of the Twisted Single Crochet and switch it up with Single Crochet. I'm sure the designer meant well, and we love our designers at Yarnspirations, but this one for me, um, as they say in America... "Yeah... NO!"

If you are looking for something super cute to make for Christmas, we have tissue box covers with a Santa, Elf, and Reindeer pattern.

Tracey Zappola says
When I learned this stitch I was taught to pull the loops up a little more than an ordinary single crochet to make sliding through the twisted stitch easier. It makes you less likely to tip every hair out of your head as you try to go around your project🤣
Mary says
A friend showed me this stitch, she said it was easier than the crab stitch (which it resembles?). NO way! I can do the crab stitch any day, but this is awful........i agree with you Mikey. What was that designer thinking?
Peggy Nolan says
Go for the reverse single crochet aka crab stitch. Same effect without the cursing.
Mary says
Just a suggestion.......that you do yarn under single crochet like we do for amigurumi. It will give a more compact stitch and will have that "x" on the front😁