Inspire, Learn & Try It Yourself
Filet crochet isn't as hard as it may look. The diagrams are actually really easy to follow along with as well. The trick is to keep yourself organized by highlighting the steps as you go to ensure you know where you are on the pattern.
I have made a Video teaching you a bit of history, conceptual information, tips to reading the graph and then giving you a test swatch to try. Practice makes perfect.
If you are looking for ways to spell names or make words into your crochet project, this may be for you. Mikey's video crochet along will point you in the right direction.
Test Patterns To Try
Follow Along with Mikey
©2013 The Crochet Crowd
Deborah Lee says
I cant find the Grapgh letter..
Marina King says
I'm unsure what you're looking for.
Denise says
I agree, tried to read between the advertisements, page keeps "bouncing" around! I really wanted to know how to do this, too... He mentioned a video, where's the link?
Veronica says
The link seems to be broken.