I was over in Amsterdam, and you must visit Stephen and Penelope while there. The luxury yarn shop is a magnificent colourful feature, and you may lose your marbles inside.
On the counter were these small boxes which appeared to be an Apple Watch system. It's just a magnetic slap bracelet to hold my tapestry needle so my couch doesn't eat it! Genius!

I looked at it and thought, exactly what is it? I don't see an interactive screen. The cashier did a demonstration of this CocoKnits Maker's Keep Magnetic Slap Bracelet. I seriously lose my tapestry needles when I am on a binge session of weaving in ends, especially for projects where it's constant. You can buy directly online from Stephen and Penelope if you are interested. Great gift idea... Hell... who cares about others... a great gift for yourself.

I was instantly gagged by this silly little contraption that had to come with me. I mean seriously right!? No one leaves innovation like that behind... Work with me folks! Enable my addiction.
This is not a paid advertisement. I'm just delighted with this little gizmo!
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