Pinky the 6 Foot Crochet Flamingo Transformation
For 2016, Daniel and I have big plans that are already being worked on. You will have to stay tuned until January before we say what we are up to. Let's just say, it's pretty ambitious and we are not scared of some hard work that combines play at the same time.
Once you see what we are up to, you will see how it makes sense for our activities.
Making a customized cover for Pinky will not involve a lot of yarn. I have lots of spare odds and ends to make her cover.
This article details how Pinky the Flamingo will be getting her transformation. If you recall our Crochet Nutcrackers that we did this year, Pinky will be getting an extreme crochet makeover.

We needed a mascot for our idea and Daniel and I haven't formed up our plans completely. While visiting the Home Depot a few weeks ago, I saw Pinky and she was $119 CDN plus tax. I wasn't looking at her for the covering or even the tacky Christmas lights that she had inside of her. I was looking at her frame.
Pinky stands 6 feet tall and can stand her own without any assistance.
It took me to wheel and deal with Daniel and Pinky was mine. Yes, we were slightly embarrassed at the cash register and the cashier mentioned we were the first to buy lawn ornaments for Christmas at this particular Home Depot. She asked if we would put her on the front lawn and we both laughed and said firmly, 'Absolutely Not'... we have bigger plans but didn't go into any further details. She was making small talk so we didn't go into any detail.
Initial Observations
- Pinky has the perfect shape for what we need her for. However, she is lacking character. She's just another flamingo.
- A customized crochet cover would do her the world of good.
- She's the height we need, in fact, she is a bit bigger than I hoped but I cannot be fussy. By the time Diva Dan gets time making me a customized flamingo, it will be heavy and probably look like a seagull. For the price point, I can save weeks of aggravation in bugging Diva Dan to make me a frame.
- Her lighting is tacky. It's definitely got to go.
- She fully disassembles in every piece making her easy to transport. This is really important.
Let the Transformation Begin

Completed Steps - Started Nov 4th, 2015
Please note there will not be a tutorial on how to make Pinky. This is an artistic crochet sculpture where I make decisions on the fly. She is meant for exhibit. The purpose the gallery is to show you my steps so if you really want to make your own, you can see how I tackled it so you can see the decisions that were made along the way.
- We fully assembled Pinky to ensure all parts were present. Some of the Christmas Lights stick out making it impossible to do a cover without lights impacting the shape. Her hanging Christmas Gift needs to go and so do the lights.
- I took her apart and cut off the plastic clips and carefully removed her lighting without damaging the lights so I can use the lights somewhere else. In order to do so, I had to cut over the Christmas Gift to access the cording and remove her beak cover to be able to pull the lighting through.
- I put Pinky back together and she looks so much better without seeing the cords. She looks like a million bucks.
- I created two Pinterest Boards to gather ideas. One is for Flamingos in both live, cartoon and sculptural format and the second is for Crochet Eyes. The eyes are what will make or break this project. Flamingos Ideas & Crochet Eyes.
Next Steps
- Research on Pinterest what colours Flamingos have and see cartoons and scultures depicting Flamingos with character. We see Pinky as an older refined lady flamingo with eyes that face forward, a stunning top for a wig or fancy hat and even wearing glasses for the face.
- Sketch a diagram of Pinky to give us an idea on colouring, shaping and texture of stitches.
- Potentially give her Mary Jane Shoes all in crochet, of course and much more. The sky is the limit and we have not committed to anything yet.
- Begin to crochet from the bottom starting with legs to give us a reference point and let her speak to me on what she wants to wear.
Stay tuned as I will continually update the gallery as I get more done.
Kathleen Masters says
Thank you for showing us a update on pinky! I watched when you were making her in 2015. She turned
out Beautiful!!!