The colour purple tends to be in most yarn lines as it's a highly anticipated colour. The colour can represent wealth, creativity, peace, devotion and pride. For Halloween, it's the polar opposite of pumpkin, making orange and purple stand apart but mixing so well.
Purple can look expensive or give the illusion. Depending on the tinge, it can hide dust better.

Daniel chooses orange and purple for many of my projects. I can predict when he will choose those colours, which is almost always.
One of Mikey's Core Principles
The movie Color Purple as a child hit me so hard as Celie and Nettie fought to stay together. It's one of the scenes in movies that have stuck with me for a lifetime. Even just choosing this video for this article, I rewatched the scene and still feel the dust hitting my eyes and bottom lip quiver. It's one of the scenes that shaped me as a human, never to use physical violence to abuse another person.
I know as a child, the church wasn't happy about this movie as it depicted a lesbian scene of Celie trying to find her self-worth after it was stripped from her. Such a small scene where the movie showcased our past, and in many regions of the world, this still exists in 2024.
Today, the words we type on social media rip each other apart. I think of this scene once in a while. I fear we will never learn to get along and will always find ways to hurt each other more. Abuse exists within the same culture, and it makes matters much worse when the abuse spans across cultures due to language, colour or lifestyle.
I'm not religious, but they say, do unto others as you would have done to you. Powerful and simple.
In Celie's words below, "Write!" Stay connected, my friends, and realize your words matter. Now and always.

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