Crochet Dishcloth
A beautiful kitchen accessory is this gorgeous Dahlia Crochet Dishcloth.
Initially, the pattern looks complicated in Round 3 and 4. There are only 4 rounds to it. Even myself, I was judging a book by its cover and assuming the worst when I saw the instructions. Truth is, there's a lot going on in round 3 and the designer needs more words to explain the steps. Fact is, once you get it, you realize how simple it is and you will be proud of yourself.
Round 4 surprised me with the technique. The way the final petals are is that the trebles are pulled with single crochet to lean over to give the point. It's not what I would have expected at all and once you do it. You realize how nifty it is.
Enjoy your new dishcloth. If you need further help, the tutorial is below.

Kelly M Lane says
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Marina King says
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