Today, I am going to show you a rare behind-the-scenes look at how yarn is made. This article shows the process after the yarn is spun. See detailed pictures. Ivy, pictured to the right, is a youngster who captures our emotions when finding that special yarn on the shelves. How does the yarn get made...
Who is Daniel Zondervan: Crochet Designer
Daniel Zondervan: Crochet Designer Daniel Zondervan, life partner of Michael Sellick, was thrown into the yarn arts through meeting each other and Michael already on his way into the yarn community forums. Daniel originally was conducting and performing music in the classical, period music and leading choirs with vocals and bells. Having graduated university with...
DIY: Crochet Finishing Technique + Tutorial
In September 2013, my technique and the way I finished my projects were forever changed. The way I was finishing off my projects with just a simple sleight of hand and weaving in my ends was okay but I wouldn't say that it was 'Fabulous'. Now that I changed my technique and know a better...
How to LINK Double Crochet + Tutorial
Link Double Crochet To shake things up a bit... I'm going to do my first ever pictorial tutorial showing Link Double Crochet. The video is posted at the bottom. I know due to the bandwidth that videos aren't always ideal. In today's blog, I'm going to show it to you in both methods... Pictorial and...
Crochet Hook Size Conversion Table
For Canadians and Americans, the crochet hook sizes are represented by letters and numbers, depending on the country. Sometimes, the hooks are not labelled with the proper identification that a person in Canada or the United States may recognize. The chart provided answers to the following three questions? We have the answers to these frequent...
Who is Jeanne Steinhilber: Crochet Designer
Jeanne Steinhilber is the community chaperone and a team member with The Crochet Crowd. She learned to crochet as a child from her mom, but has only recently dived into the world of design, inspired and mentored by Michael Sellick. She joined the team after Crochet Cruise with us on a Crochet Cruise in 2015 as a regular...
How to Read Crochet Patterns + Beginner Tutorial
Reading crochet patterns is vital for crocheters who want to expand their skills and abilities to do different projects. However, for newbie crocheters, where exactly do you need to start, and what are some of the obstacles involved? My personal goal is not to keep you hooked on learning from me forever but to give...
Free Learn to Crochet Ebook by Mikey
Quickly Learn to Crochet eBook Learning to Crochet would have been a lot easier when I was fourteen if I would had someone actually 'show me' the techniques instead of just reading patterns and seeing diagrams. My mom was great with teaching me double crochet but that was the limit of her skills. I believe...