The Crochet Wall Hanging is an adaptation of the Flora Afghan but in miniature format.
The picture frame is 39" x 39" and this was never intended to be a pattern. These were created to test try the written pattern but then I came up with a game plan to make some extra to make this wall hanging.
The tutorials for each of the squares are ready in both right and left-handed mode. Substitute the Hook for a 2 mm / US 0. I used Patons Grace yarn. I didn't use the Posy Square in the wall hanging. To reduce cost, I removed the 4 extra squares I had made to make this is a square frameable piece of art.

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The Original Pattern - Flora Afghan
This is the original free eBook for the Flora Afghan using Caron One Pound. The squares are generous in size and the wall hanging is based on this.
Erika Claverie R says
Hola Mikey,debo darte infinitas gracias por compartir tu arte,ese arte que ya somos muchisima gente que lo practica,a lo mejor no dimencionas lo bien que me ha hecho ver y tejer tus mantas,con algo de complicacion ,pero de ver reiteradas veces el tutorial ,lo saco por logica,ya que a veces no te entiendo,en fin,te quiero pedir que jamas te cances y no dejes de hacer tutoriales de crochet,y por favor trata de colocar subtitulo en Español,seria fantastico,un gran abrazo virtual desde mi hermoso país que es Chile,cariños ,Erika ????