Cross Stitch Texture
In this stitch, one of the stitches in a row ends up leaning over a couple of other stitches to give it a cross stitch appearance. It's just a simple idea but in the right colours can be very effective.
Get the free pattern, it's called the Cross Stitch.

To Make Different Sizes
Multiple of 3 sts + 3.
Remember the + number at the end of the sentence means that you are to add chains at the very end to maintain the pattern as written.
Karla Rostine says
I have been looking for an afghan like the stitch-cation afghan but I’m unable find it. Is there a link to the directions?
Karla R.
Wendy Maruna says
Here you are, happy stitching
Christina Goggin says
I love your videos. I am also glad that there is this site because when I watched the video for the Crochet Cross Stitch it was just for the square to chain 36 and did not (that I recall) give the pattern numbers Multiples of 3 (+3) if you wanted to make it bigger than the square and I knew I could find that information here