Tunisian Knit Stitch Dishcloth
Learn to do the Tunisian Knit Stitch and do this simple dishcloth as your testing sample.
You can use the Simple Stitch Dish Cloth instructions but substitute the stitches to the Tunisian Knit Stitch.

I cannot emphasize how much I love this stitch. This stitch is brilliant and makes me look like a knitter without giving up my love for the crochet hook.
So firstly, go to the Simple Stitch Dish Cloth Pattern to get the details on sizing. Then, instead of using the Simple Stitch, use the Knit Stitch. For the example you see in the photograph, I went around twice with normal single crochet around the edges, in the corners I put in 3 sc's.
Video Tutorial Review - Knit Stitch
Video Tutorial for this Project
Julia Smith says
No blue button
Mikey says
Katrina Colburn says
No pattern link button at top of page. Pattern link in description broke. Video links 1&3 work. Video links 2&4 set to private.
Mikey says
Joanne wier says
I would like to make a blanket in double crochet Tunisian stitch how many chairs would you start with