You've been booked for our next Crochet Cruises in Fall 2025. What's next? New cruisers may not be aware of our future procedures.
Sherry's communications are very direct and to the point. We are not the only group or people for whom she is scheduling travel. All communications need documentation, and you must email her first so she has a record of your request for changes on file. Each guest has their file with her. She will document communications as she is 'by the book' for travel.

We will have a private crochet cruise booklet closer to the cruise for the guidelines and much more about these cruises in spring 2025.
You were added to a private Facebook Group at the time of booking. You are either in Group 1 for the first cruise or Group 2 for the second cruise. Random people or strangers are not placed into these groups so that you get to know who is riding on the ship with you. Should a person cancel, they are automatically taken out of the group.
If you have a travelling companion who needs an invite, please get in touch with Sherry Leybovich to send an invite. We do not add family or friends who are not travelling with us to the group. Just email her at [email protected]
In The Future
Anything about your booking or financials needs to be handled privately with Sherry. Do not post on the group changes to your reservation, cancellations, add-ons, or anything that changes your booking. That's a private matter to be handled confidentially with Sherry.
At the Time of Booking
UPDATED: You were asked about travel insurance. You either accepted it or declined it. If you have not purchased travel insurance yet, you can still get it. Email Sherry immediately to have it added.
- You were asked about your dietary needs. If that changes—email Sherry.
- All evening dinners are with the group at the early seating. Go ahead if you decide to eat the buffet or at another restaurant on board. We don't need notice if you are not attending the arranged seating dinner.
- Your cabin mates will sit at your table, and other crocheters from the group will be added in. Celebrity Cruise Lines arranges the seating, but they are informed to keep our group together.
All luggage is x-rayed when it boards the ship. Any alcohol that is smuggled and contraband that is found, such as steamers, irons, weapons that include firearms, knives, extension cords, and gawd knows whatever is in there, will be taken out before it arrives as your cabin and be given back to you at the end of the cruise.

Must be Pre-Arranged
- If you need an extension cord for your CPAP, please let Sherry know. Celebrity will provide it. DO NOT BRING YOUR OWN; it will be taken away from you and returned to you at the end of the cruise.
- Do not bring any irons or steamers with you for your clothing. It will be taken away from you.
- Sherry must arrange it beforehand if you need help walking up the long path and steep incline to the ship from the terminal. The vessel will assign pier assistance to you. You cannot request this service without it being documented on your cruise ticket. If you have a cane, struggle to walk or are in a wheelchair already, please email Sherry to have this noted on your ticket.
- Sherry can assist in the rental services of medical equipment you may need, including scooters and other medical needs. Scooters, if rented, will be waiting for you at your cabin door. You cannot rent one on board, as it's a private firm that puts it on the ship for you.
- Suppose you have a service dog that needs to be on board. A lot of paperwork must be done, and it must be pre-authorized to be on the ship. Email Sherry to get started on this. Pets are not allowed on board.

Communications Going Forward
If something major happens, Sherry will email you directly.
If there are notices such as excursions or a time to start booking other things, they will be on Facebook Groups to let you know.
Plane Tickets
When the time comes closer, you can purchase your tickets if needed. There is parking at the cruise terminal for people, and we will have more information about that.
If you are flying the same day of the cruise departure, ensure you get to Fort Lauderdale in the morning and factor in any possible delays.
When the cruise is finished, schedule your departure from Fort Lauderdale after 1 p.m. It would be best if you had time to get off the ship, and with the thousands of cruisers from multiple cruise ships, the airport will be bustling. Scheduling your departure before noon when the cruise is over risks you not making it on time and missing your flight. The flights out are usually sold out. There's no room for a mistake.
Strong Recommendation
Celebrity Cruise Lines will be offering plane tickets called Flights by Celebrity.
- If the airline they have booked for you fails to connect, has weather issues or doesn't get to Fort Lauderdale on time, they will guarantee to take care of you by putting you up in a hotel and moving you to the first stop of the cruise ship. You really don't want this to happen, but if it does, Flights by Celebrity takes over and gets you moved.
If you opt to book your own and it fails to get you to the terminal on time, you'll have to figure out what's next. Sherry can advise, but you are responsible for the cost incurred and the next steps.

Pre and Post Cruise Hotel
The same hotel will be selected as the pre-cruise hotel for both cruises. Most people show up the day before the cruise, some two days before.
Sherry will assign the pre-cruise hotel for bookings in the Spring of 2025. The rates given are corporate rates as our party tends to be large. You will be paying for this hotel at a discounted rate.
- Sherry will have an online form to complete, and the hotel will be ready for you. The bookings stay open for a limited time before the remaining rooms are given back to regular guests trying to book.
- Check-ins open up around 3 pm. The hotel will be sold out.
- You will be asked for us to Shuttle you to the cruise terminal at your expense on our private coaches. This includes everyone travelling to your party with you. If you opt not to do this service, please go direct to the cruise terminal.
The night before, you will be given your T-shirts, Swag, and more at the Pre-Cruise Hotel. If your plane hasn't yet arrived, we will have your name tag and swag with us in the morning before we depart from the hotel. We will be in the lobby.
If this is the second cruise, your lanyards will accompany Mikey. We will announce where we are sitting on the vessel if you want to slide by to pick them up.
If you are not going to the hotel at all, please see us on the ship. We will give you the same stuff and announce in the group where we are to pick everything up.

Things to Bring
Please bring any medications you need on board the ship. We are not dispensing medications. Should you need something like an aspirin, the gift shop on board will have it, but there is a big price difference that makes it worthwhile to bring it from home.
Medical On Board
For non-Americans, the Sick Bay is on board at the bottom of the ship. Should you need medical assistance, it's run like American health care; you pay to play, which means that a simple visit will cost you dearly. Seeking a doctor is USD 140; the bill will be higher for any other care.
Pack the medications you may need, including stomach, indigestion or diarrhea.
Crochet Things to Bring
We will announce this later on. The workshops are still in progress.
Final Note About Sherry
For ten years, we have used Sherry as our dedicated Crochet Cruise and Big Events outside of making Jimmy Beans Wool Retreats. Sherry also handles Daniel and I's personal travel.
Sherry will be aboard the cruise ship with us. Celebrities may overlook reservations that do not apply beverage packages and other conditions. Sherry carries a massive book of reservations and will fix things to match your order. We have yet to cruise, and some reservations are missing things like beverage packages.
Sherry doesn't get involved in the following:
- Roommates or spouses that are fighting.
- Foodservice that doesn't meet your needs.
- The service of staff on board isn't meeting your expectations.
- Billing discrepancies for anything you charge to your credit card while on board.
Sherry's advice will always be the same: go to customer service. They are equipped to deal with these complaints. Contact customer service if you see a billing issue midway through your cruise. The day before we finish a cruise, there is mayhem at customer service for anyone finding errors or thinking there are errors. Deal with them as they come.

If you have any questions, please email Sherry. She may arrange a phone call to talk to you or quickly update your reservation.

Carolyn Matthews says
Hi Sherry, My name is Carolyn Matthews from Alaska. This will be my first time going on the Crotchet cruises. I would like to schedule both cruises. Please email me your contact information, so that I can know how to sign up and get everything paid as soon as possible. Your help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help and assistance. Carolyn
Wendy Maruna says
We share Sherry’s email in the article. It is in the paragraph right above the headline: IN THE FUTURE.
Just email her at [email protected]