Join Mikey on board the whale-watching tour by wearing a beanie with one of these ocean-dwelling creatures during our whale-watching tour from Briar Island in Nova Scotia in the summer of 2025.
Step 1
Choose a beanie pattern you love. We have a few patterns you can use as well.
Step 2
You can choose one of the motifs below or develop your own. For Sarah's Repeat Crafter Me, I suggest changing the hook to a 4 mm / G/6 to reduce the size of the motifs a bit.
Strong suggestion: make sure the hats fit well, as it could be windy while on the tour.
Aquatic creatures on this motif list that are not in the Bay of Fundy include the following:
- Pufferfish
- Clownfish
- Walrus
The rest of the options can be found in the Bay of Fundy, yes, including great white sharks.
Mikey is hosting the Nova Scotia Crochet Adventure for two tours in the summer of 2025.
Free Patterns
Repeat Crafter Me has free patterns and crochet tutorials to make these your own. As mentioned above, you can make these a bit smaller for hats by using a 4 mm / G/6 with your Red Heart Super Saver. Sew directly to the hats. The background square doesn't need to be done for the hat.
Whale & Baby
Hook up a whale and its baby.
We all live in a yellow submarine.
We have ocean turtles in Nova Scotia.
Nope, no Walrus in Nova Scotia, just seals.
Orca / Dolphin
Keep your eyes peeled for these aquatic creatures.
Yes, we have stingrays in Nova Scotia.
Yes, we have these here in Nova Scotia.
Yes, we even have Great White Sharks in Nova Scotia and other species of sharks.
You will most likely see these guys rolling in the surf.
Amazing, eh? Yes, even here in Nova Scotia.
Nope, these are warm water fish but cute nevertheless.
You'll be super lucky if you even see one of these.
Yep, even here in Nova Scotia.
Lunch anyone. We are known for lobster, crab and scallops.
Clown Fish
You won't find Nemo here.
We look forward to seeing your creativity on the tour.
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