It's easier to show you how the ways to join your granny squares and motifs together through a tutorial. Today, let me demonstrate that for you.

In this tutorial, you will learn the following:
- Whip Stitch
- Invisible Seam
- Back Loop Join
- Single Crochet Join
- Zig Zag Join
For demonstration reasons, I used a really bright colour when joining the blue squares together to show you where to place your stitch work. For most of you, you will use the same colour of yarn of the exterior border of the square and it will blend really well.
Renuka says
Usefull inFo
for every one
Jodi Fuller says
Really enjoyed this tutorial. Have only every used the Single Crochet Join. I think I will use the Zig Zag on my next granny blanket. I really like the way it looks. Thanks Mikey.
Janet Chute-Armstrong says
I loved your info on joining crochet pieces together, some i have used, others were new to me. Really liked the zigzag!! Thanks!