Crochet Mandalas
They continue to be a very popular form of crochet art. I think that the circular shape is pleasing and the color options are endless! My daily news feed on Facebook is filled with these beauties.
My friend Megan shared her photos with me of one that she is currently working on called Mandala Madness, an ongoing CAL. Isn't it so lovely? It's hard to have a job and want to crochet all the time.
I think one of the biggest Mandala projects last year was Sophie's Universe. It was intriguing to follow along and watch the progression develop. It's not easy to design a mandala as the stitching can overlap and fly into different directions... all while keeping a steady count and ensuring it still lays flat. I envy crochet designers that can do this.
Here is a list of some of the most popular Mandalas available free online:
- Mandala Madness
- Sophie’s Garden
- Tides of Change
- Mandala Rug
- Mandala Floor Rug
- Circles of the Sun
- Starflower Mandala
- Little Spring Mandala
- Rhiannon
- Crochet Mandala
- Granny Mandala
- Autumn Spice Mandala Doily
- Blue Mandala Throw
- Mandala Pot Holder
- Mandala Style Trivet Cover
Rosemary Dargan says
I have finished making a dozen mandalas and I’m going to hang them on my lounge room wall. I haven’t been able to find out how to do this. They are not made on hoops. I read everywhere about how to make them but nobody tells you how to put them up on walls once you’ve finished them. I live in Australia. Do I glue them on the wall? I’ve had no luck finding out how to attach them as a feature on my wall. Any help would be appreciated. Many thanks.
Marina King says
when I made mine to hang in the window, I single crocheted around the hoop picking up the points as they came around the hoop
Calder Thomas says
Hi Mikey! I have a daughter in law named Rhiannon! Do you have any history for that name? I would love to make the doily version for her but also give her any information you might have on the name Rhiannon. Thank you for compiling these patterns on crochet mandalas!
Thank you for your time!
Jeanne - The Crochet Crowd says
Hi Calder. That was me who provided the list of patterns. I googled the meaning and here is what I got:
Probably derived from the old Celtic name Rigantona meaning "great queen". It is speculated that this was the name of an otherwise unattested Celtic goddess of fertility and the moon. The name Rhiannon appears later in Welsh legend in the Mabinogion, borne by the wife of Pwyll and the mother of Pryderi.