Motif Magic by Kristin Omdahl
Kristin is one of my all-time favourite crochet designers in the main stream publishing of pattern books. For me, until 2009, I hadn't bought any other patterns besides the one I had from the age of 14 back in the 80's. I needed ideas for a live show to dress a witch. So I realized I couldn't find anything online that would suffice that I drove to the city to look for pattern books.
The reason I hadn't bought any pattern books before is that, at the time, I couldn't read pattern books that didn't have a crochet diagram. Today, if I have a choice of a pattern book with or without crochet diagram, I will buy the crochet diagram book for my own comfort and ease of pattern reading.
I completed two patterns from her book, Crochet So Fine. Kristin's attention to detail in writing patterns and providing the crochet diagrams gave me the confidence I needed to go further. By this time, The Crochet Crowd doesn't exist but is just a hobby that is growing quicker to be a global teacher without me cluing that what was happening with my YouTube Channel.
In trying to learn to read patterns which for me, started a year after I started The Crochet Crowd, I realized that each designer has their own language of communications. So designers are hard to follow, which other designers speak directly to my mind. You will see this difference in the main stream free patterns through major publishers that each one of them have their own flare.
So due to my success in using her book, I looked her up online and found her Kristin's Omdahl Facebook. I messaged Kristin telling her how much I have loved her book. Keep in mind, at the time, I was still a guppy in the crochet pond, pretty much a nobody. Kristin quickly got back to me on the same day with a genuine response. I'm not talking about a canned response from a celebrity but her response was sincere and I was immediately delighted.
Kristin over the years has now developed 14 pattern books, she's been a knit and crochet host on several video platforms and even appeared on TV. Camera off, she is approachable and fun. She identified me at a show and tapped me on the shoulder. She had to tell me who she was but once I clued in, I was beyond thrilled.
Fast forward to a couple weeks ago, Kristin reached out to me to see if I would take a look at her new book called Motif Magic. She knows that I love her particular writing style and I appreciate the crochet diagrams she provides in her books. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, let me assure you, producing those diagrams she does in the books are NOT CHEAP. I know that from first hand experience. Kristin wants you to be successful and provides you everything at your disposal to give you a leg up.
The patterns inside the book are both crochet and knit. Kristin is bi-stitchual, meaning you can do it both ways... you know... crochet and knit. He hands glide through the stitchwork in either craft like buttah!
The book is filled with fancy, but doable, designs that are signature Kristin Omdahl. Garments you would want to wear to a wedding or a chilly evening. Glamour, handmade, by you. With the help of the diagrams, those words flow and match the diagrams to give you the help you need. This book is full coloured, with enlarged, easy to read fonts.
By supporting her latest book, you are giving her the opportunity to continue to make even more books. Be inspired to create more.
A really vibrant knitter in my last community, who is not a celebrity but just loves to knit, sat with me one day. Her message was simple, if you believe in your craft, you will do everything in your power to make sure it's part of your life and if you craft and it involves yarn, you shouldn't be afraid to make things to wear to totally immerse yourself into your passionate hobby.
Kristin is exactly what that vibrant knitter says. She lives the passion, she wears the passion, she shares the passion with others through her YouTube Channel and Website. Anyone can take glam shots and make themselves look important, with Kristin, you can see her dressed her up or she may appear in a video just casual around the house or on the beach without make up. She's sharing herself with you, not just the pretty make up and dolled up Kristin, but the everyday Kristin. In today's social media, it's more important to connect to the real person than it is to a perceived crochet / knit celebrity character. It's one of her best attributes, other than being an accomplished designer and so many other things in the yarn industry that has enriched our lives.

Project Kristin Cares
I have many mentors that have helped me personally and through my business to show me what is important to connect with others. One of the largest pieces of advice is to ensure that if you have an audience that is interested in you, you use your influence to show how to make a difference. A positive difference and be a leader.
Kristin has tapped in on that too, which again to me, makes for a leading designer in the crochet field. Project Kristin Cares is an active program in helping people financially through her yarn brand sales.
She's been transparent of being a victim of domestic violence but instead of sharing her story so you can relate, she's gone above to provide a portion of the sales that you make with her, through her website, to give pass onto others.
I personally understand the struggles of maintaining free content, website and video production in the real costs they have. Kristin and I have that in common. It's easy to keep all of the money so you can afford the expenses it takes to run all of these fabulous things that the consumers expect for free. So for Kristin to pass on a portion to others who need help, she's following the not only good business sense but she is also receiving and passing along hope through your purchases.
Many mainstream celebrities, even in the craft world, make their mark by saying "Look at me!", "Pay attention to me!", "Look what I am doing today!", essentially forming on-sided communities that are all about them. You grow tired of personalities like that. With Kristin, it's "All about WE", "It's about us." "It's about community!" It's everything you would hope for. Your voice is important and Kristin is receptive, understands it and does her very best.
If you are looking for a sound investment in pattern books for your collection at home. If you are inspired by the fact that Kristin really connects to everyday people like you and I. Invest in Kristin.
Brenda says
Could you make a crochet scarf for men with skulls on it. I do not like all the ones i see most are more for women
Toni says
Thank you for this review. She has been talking this book, but I was unsure if it was something anyone could use. Have a marvelous day