Crochet Baby Squared Blanket
The Crochet Baby Squared Blanket is a different variation of the Modern Granny Squares that are so popular.
The baby blankets have a combination of 2 rounds of being a straight granny square concept and then the next round is the sc, ch 3, sc jumps. It really does a terrific job of separating out colours from each other with the single crochet rounds. You can use the concept and do even more rounds of straight granny square stitches and then throw in single crochet around when you are ready to jump colours.
You can find more Modern Granny Square Projects we have done to give yourself more ideas and use this concept to break them up a bit more.
Pattern Ideas
- Crochet Adult Hoodies XS - 5 XL Pattern
- Crochet Hugs & Kisses Car Seat Cover Pattern
- 6 Crochet Granny Square Jacket Patterns
- Crochet Circle in Squares Afghan Pattern + Tutorial
- Crochet Little Trapper Hat Pattern

heather says
Mikey says
Ann says
No blue button
Marina King says
button added
Angela Kennedy says
I was sent to this page when clicking on a link from Google for the Which Way Filet pattern. I wanted to let you all know in case the link is broken or something of the like. Thanks for all that you all do!
Marina King says
humm.. I tried it from google and the ones I checked sent me to either Pinterest then youtube or Ravelry then youtube, I'm not sure which of the ones your clicking (I didn't try them all just the first couple)