What is the difference between Lily Sugar'n Cream and Bernat Handicrafter Cotton? Maybe this is a trick question, or is it?

When you compare the 100% cotton yarn. The look, the texture and how it behaves on your crochet hook or knitting needles, you shouldn't notice any difference. It's the same thing.
Lily Sugar'n Cream was originally a maker and brand in the USA. Acquired by Spinrite Yarns LP, aka Yarnspirations, so long ago. Yarnspirations had their brand called Bernat Handicrafter Cotton up here in Canada. Peaches'n Cream went for sale, and Spinrite Yarns LP bought the brand to keep it alive in the stores near you. You will typically see Peaches'n Cream in Walmart. Lily Sugar'n Cream didn't exist here in Canada, and Bernat Handicrafter wasn't in the USA.

Home Grown in the United States
The cotton is grown in the United States and spun to be prepared into massive hanks of naturally looking fibre yarn. The cotton in natural-looking cotton is shipped to Canada to be processed for the next steps.
The bright white you see is the cotton being bleached before dying of the colours of the yarn.
Once the yarn is dyed and packaged at Spinrite Yarns LP, it's shipped back to the United States to retailers and storage warehouses. For Canadians, the yarn stays in Canada and is shipped to storage warehouses and retailers.
This yarn plays a vital role in North America's processing of this yarn being a North American product. From the fields to spinning houses to shipping to Canada for the finishing processes and then returning to the USA, this product supports North American jobs.
Cotton yarn is one of the strongest yarns in the yarn world. It doesn't stretch but if the project is stretching, it's the stitchwork itself. It's reliable and naturally grown.
As you saw in the video, it takes salt, lots of salt, to get the dye to stick to the cotton yarn.
Look for Bernat Handicrafter, Peaches'n Cream and/or Lily Sugar'n Cream by name and know that your fellow people in Canada and United States worked to process the yarn just for you.
Today, you will most likely find Bernat Handicrafter and Lily Sugar'n Cream on both sides of the border as today's demand for yarn and retailer choices make it possible for you to have access to these great yarns.
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