Recommended Crochet Hats
Now is your time to shine Crochet Cruisers for Alaska. Now is the time to begin working on your crochet hats to wear on the cruise.
We are entering Alaska early as the creatures of the north are coming out of hibernation. While days can be warm and even hot, it will cool off. You are entering one of the last frontiers in the USA.
One of our stops, we will hover in front of a glacier extending from the mountains. The wind from the glacier is cool/cold. Recommended winter coat, hats, scarf and mitts. The extremely fresh air cleanses your lungs and you are in awe.

Shockingly enough, being around a glacier is really loud. Not the guests expressing oooos and ahhhs in wonder. It sounds like thunder rolling as the glacier is advancing forward.
You will most likely witness calving as the advancing glacier cracks off. There was major calving on the day we were there last time. Definitely not a time to forget to charge your cameras.

The Crochet Cruises Alaska is a time to shine as crocheters to sport what you can do with your hands with customized hats and scarves that you can make.
I recommend either chunky based acrylic yarns or wool or wool-blend hats for your visit to Alaska. Especially if you are doing excursions on boats where the wind of the cold water and be in the air.
We had the privilege to witness a couple of humpback whales and on our way back to the ship, we ran into a family of orcas where we stayed for an hour to witness from our boat. Absolutely phenomenal. You will want to be on the outer deck of the boat to grab photos.

The interior of the ship is comfortable to wear regular clothes. We know how to hook out and congregate in various parts of the ship.

Teri Hathcock says
My husband and I have retired recently. We just went on the Southern Carribbean cruise. I loved it so much I am seriously considering getting a part time job just to pay for future cruises. And I had pretty much decided I was done with work. Does that tell you how great I thought the trip was? The people are the very best!!!
Heidi Kelly says
all your articles and tutorials are great! I only wish I could afford to go on one of those wonderful cruises!
Barbara says
My husband & I were with the crochet crowd on the first Alaska cruise. It was stunning. So much beauty, wildlife, & the calving of the glacier was just icing on the cake. It definitely was a trip of a lifetime.