Create your Own Customized Labels
Craft Stores usually have pre-made labels that you can apply to your crochet or knit projects. Something cute like Handmade by Grandma or something. However, what if you wanted to customize the label. You can do that through sources to order online to ship to your home.
Here are some sources that friends recommended to me:
- Label Weavers
- Dutch Label Shop
- Wunderlabel - Most of my Friends Use This One
- Cotton Trends
- Boye Iron on Labels - Premade, no customization
- Thirty Seven West
- Name Tapes & Labels
More Cool Ideas
- 9 Crochet Stitch Marker Ideas
- Get Free Crochet Patterns
- Crochet Pattern Skill Level Meanings
- Crochet with Wire Techniques
- Crochet Umbrella / Parasol Idea
Please note this is not a paid ad for any service. There are no affiliate links. It's just merely recommendations.
Sandy says
I'd add to above list also https://labeloom.com/. They also manufacture crochet labels (a special kind of woven labels)
Patti says
I have crocheted since I was in my teens. I had great teachers over the years; my mother and grandmother, friends along the way, and eventually my mother-in-law. I now include you in my crochet mentors. I love your patterns and use your tutorials frequently. Thank you for creating a space for learning and creating.