Crochet Anxiety with Social Media
Many of us have looked at the crochet social websites and second-guessed our own abilities in crochet. Some of us go a step further and mentally beat ourselves up which is pretty common.
In any of the crochet designs I have completed, I can confidently tell you that I have always seen better examples of my finished pattern than what my original was. Some people really have an eye for colour that really can set off my pattern for a new vibe. Sometimes, I secretly wish I would have considered the colour palette of what the crocheter chose instead. However, I do take the inspiration into the future if I design something else and may consider the colour palette of what someone else has done.
Social media has the power to bring us together but has significant self-pressure and communications from others that can really rip apart our well-being.

Amping Up The Pressure
Some of us are involved in selling crochet projects at the shows. The fact of selling creates deadlines and financial transactions between the crocheter and public setting. Even friends can request to crochet something, even if you are willing to do it for free. For me, the time clock is my nemesis when it comes to my crochet projects.
I set my own personal clock on how much time I want to devote. If I don't hit my personal goal, I can extend it. But in the world of shows and special occasions such as Christmas, there is a dead-stop time where you must be done. For myself, I cannot handle it when the timeline is unrealistic or a dead-stop time frame without adequate time to get there.

Have you ever noticed the Stitch Alongs? We work on the project for a month or so week by week but then the deadline is extended another month after the final clue. I do that so the pressure is ramped down. Having a Stitch Along due within a few days of the ending is unrealistic, even with me being dedicated the craft full-time.
Myself, I'm involved in producing content and tutorials for the public. While I thoroughly enjoying the teaching element, there are always elements of tips I should have communicated. I can easily slip up on words. I've given up striving for perfection when I am not capable of producing such results. I just do the best I can.

Know Your Capabilities
If you are working on a project to the best of your ability, you are doing just fine. What is good for me is different for you. Each of us has our limits and personal achievements.
On one of the crochet cruises, we had Susan (Not sure if I am remembering her name right) sign up that didn't know how to crochet, which is shocking I know as we don't market to beginners. By the end of the cruise, she was capable of doing chaining and made herself a chain headband. She stood up at the end of the cruise and with such enthusiasm announced she made herself a chain and was wearing the headband with such pride. I know at least of few of you are thinking a few things:
The Judging Side of Ourselves
- Why did she sign up for a crochet cruise in not being experienced enough for the trip?
- A chain!? Really! Maybe she should have done a scarf or something.
The Reality of the Situation
Look at Susan on the right. Look at her face as another crocheter leans over to demonstration on how to sew the motifs together. Look at her face. I mean really look at her face! She's in a room of crocheters where many people have years or lifetimes of experiences of the hook. She's at the front door of the hobby.
Look at the joy. Look at the wonder in her yes. Look at the other crocheter make effort to lean over to show skills. LOOK.
When Susan stood up at the end of the cruise and announced with such pride that she finished a chain and was wearing it. We all gave her a huge round of applause. For her, accomplishing the chain was her claim to the moment. She went home with life experiences through the act of sharing with others.

Social and Personal Pressure
Life is full of disappointments, peer pressure and for me, most of it is self-pressure. People can give the look of being well put together when they are emotionally falling apart.
While not one of us can change the world. As a community, we have the power to enrich others lives. We also have the power to rip down people and shatter their lives.
I've come to learn as an educator of crochet that a smile across the table or through online social pictures can be very misleading to how the person is really feeling inside.
Filmed in 2008.

You Have To Find Comfort within Yourself
- If you know you are doing the best you can. Be proud of yourself.
- Create a gratitude journal and find at least 3 things each day that you are grateful for. This sounds ridiculous. I lost my way with a mental breakdown back many years ago. My gratitude journal pulled me from the dangerous part of myself. Finding 3 things is so difficult but in the forcing of finding them, you realize you have most likely more to be happy about then to be sad.
- Change what can be changed that is dragging you down. This could be the self-discovery of knowing your abilities and being satisfied with what you are capable of doing. This could be more personal in the home, people or situations in your life that are cycling in a repetitive circle that is causing you the joy you deserve to have.
- Take a moment to celebrate your accomplishments.
I can rattle off a long list of items that I hate about myself. Some things the public can see. Others are mental scarring I have that keeps me in my place. To be fully committed to this article. I will share with you a few. Nothing you can say will change it for me.
- I had body dysmorphic disorder until I met Daniel. Daniel taught me that it's okay to be me. I have gained significant weight since meeting him but in my past, gaining weight landed me in the mental ward. I'm happy about being overweight, no, but I don't emotionally beat myself up anymore.
- I hate that I don't have an eye for colour coordination. When crocheters ask me about colour coordinating, I defer to Daniel as I don't have this gift.
- I hate that I don't like wine. It's a social thing and I drink the occasional beer feeling like I don't have refined tastes in comparison to others.
- I hate my photograph taken. I appear behind the scenes more often because I am holding the camera. However, if I need to be in front of the camera, I have to suck it up and do my thing. It's why most of the videos don't start off with a face shot.
- I'm a workaholic and cannot stop myself from obsessing about working and feel extremely guilty if I am sitting still without moving my hands or actively working on my business.
This list can go on and on if I let it. However, I have to find joy in what does bring me happiness to see myself through my life's journey.
Let the Negative Go and Be With Itself
There are certain websites and certain people in real life and in the social realm that really upset me. I've had to learn to avoid those people and websites to let the joy within me be free. You know the type of people and websites that constantly spill negativity in the hopes you will feel anger.
I've had to learn that I can only be responsible for what I can control. There are certain elements of life where I am not involved or can make any difference.
I take things personally and my team reminds me from time to time to not let negativity into my life and try my best.
Seek Professional Help
I'm not a trained medical health professional, counsellor or therapist. I will tell you, I carry a card in my wallet for a mental health crisis line in the event where I am feeling at the end of my rope. You are obviously finding this article online, use Google to locate a mental health crisis hotline or professionals in your area.
Rosalia Cintron, (Nana Justiniano on Facebook) says
Michael, I cried through all the videos. Especially yours. Because that is how I'm feeling right this very moment! I feel useless, good for nothing etc..... I'm trying very hard, but my glass almost always seem to be just empty. I type this as I lay in bed. I'm in my PJ's about 85% of the time. Depression has been part of my life sine I suffered post-partum depression about 33 1\2 years ago. It took a huge hit when I lost my aunt, uncle, and finally my papa in 2 weeks time. Then the following year and 3 months later, my husband of 32 years left me via a text message. Then 2 years ago my 15 month old granddaughter passed away. A few months later I went thru a small nervous breakdown. I live in my son , daughter in law, and granddaughter's renovated basement. You'd think I'd be thrilled, but I'm not. I'm a very religious person and believe All that God promises us in the Bible. And who am I to argue when he tells me that I am worthy! But yet, here I am, laying in bed. I found your group and it got me going. I had been knitting, ( but crochet was always my thing)! I'm not finished with my Spring Stitch Along. But I haven't given up yet either. Thank you for your very emotional video that you posted. It was Very Brave of you to do so. You are such a Talented person. Your videos/tutorials are Awesome. One day in the future all will be good. But for now, it's just ,'One moment at a time'. Thank you again.
Amber Robinson says
I have no sense for color either. My husband can do magic with color. I let him pic all my yarn! Lol. We have this in common.
Cheryl Hockham says
Mikey, I suffered with acute anxiety and clinical depression a few years ago as a result of work place bullying. I gained a tremendous amount of weight and eventually couldn't cope with going into school anymore, I had been made to feel that I was a useless teacher and that I should have quit the profession years ago. My husband encouraged me to take up crochet as something new and different (I had been a knitter for years). Purely by chance I found you, thank you for everything you do...I now have a passion for both crochet and knitting and my health back, having taken early retirement. My house is full of yarn and it isnt always as tidy as it should be, I have lost 5 stone in weight and love going cycling with my husband. Life is good, I have a lovely supportive family and I feel as if you are a close friend, which I am sure if we ever met you would be.