Crystal at Bag-O-Day Crochet and I share more viewers on YouTube than any other channel. The background stories of what creates a YouTube Host are not always explicit, but in this video released hours ago, Crystal shares that I was her push to start after her husband gave her the seed to begin something new.
My inspiration was a horrible YouTube host. Barely any views were so technical that I couldn't understand what she was talking about as her words didn't match my mother's. I thought, what would I do differently? I didn't put much time into it and just did it.
Initially, when I started, I wanted to kick everyone's ass, but I missed the point and realized in the first year the only competitor was myself. There is space for everyone. Crystal stepped forward and was authentic to herself. She 'got it'.
People have the gift, or they don't. Authenticity cannot be taught; it's within everyone, but not everyone is vulnerable enough to show it. Some people in business are trying to centre the universe around themselves and make it all about them. You can easily see that.
While Crystal and I disagree with some product reviews, everyone who watches has to decide for themselves. What is a 'break' for Crystal may be a 'yay' for me and vice versa. I come from an engineering, manufacturing, and trucking logistics background. I am more forgiving of some elements as I have been in my steel-toe shoes to be part of the processes in some way. I have my thoughts, and so does she. It's why people tune in.

When I officially got sponsored by Yarnspirations, the CEO said, "We don't want a mouthpiece or a spokesperson; we want you to stay as you are without worry of having to love everything they do." I was disappointed for a short time but realized that your authentic voice resonates with people. It's been the best decision overall.
Recently, something earth-shattering happened to me, and I contacted Crystal to let her know about something she could fall victim to. I haven't recovered from it, as I did fall for it. At some point, your competitors must be your allies and work together to protect each other.
So, Crystal, this is me taking a compliment, which is hard, but it's you who did the work. You saw an opportunity and walked through the door. The rest of your journey is yet to be discovered. As you mentioned at the end of the talk, our time is limited. What you did with your time will last into generations ahead, as you gifted your teaching so others can go on and show others, too.
So continue to Inspire, Create and Celebrate. Life is short.

A Charles says
You both are trail blazers in "All the things #crochet" we follow you both because you are authentic, honest and most of all truthful when it comes to sharing your gift with us. Neither of you want a thing from your viwers. You don't need to brag about happy mail, attach yourself to other youtubers or continually mention your favorite hooks, yarns, or coffee to sway your viwers to send you those items. You both just offer kindness and love for what you love to do... teach and share beautiful skill with us. Thank you, Michael and Crystal we are truly blessed.
Pammy says
Love you both! I started my journey crocheting with Mikey and along the way added more channels to my list. Then one day I found this woman, Crystal aka bagoday, who has a style of her own and decided to give her channel a chance. I'm so glad I did! I still love you too Mikey ❤️😂 Now I follow several channels but you 2 are my favorites! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Brenda Estep says
Love you both. Appreciate you both. ❤️❤️❤️
Lisa says
Love this Mikey! Love you both!❤️❤️❤️