Nature's Gifts for Baby
Introducing a new crochet pattern book called Nature's Gifts for Baby by Sara Leighton. Published by Leisure Arts.
Instantly, you know the book is geared for baby, but let's dive inside into Sara's creative world and see what she has to share with us.
First impressions...
- Easy to read with large fonts.
- Complete information to be successful.
- Pictorial demonstration on unique stitches.
- Super sweet photography of the examples.
Sara has created combinations of a hat matching the baby blanket. The Coniferous Set, in the beginning, has a forest theme baby blanket with a hat that reminds of the top of an acorn. Great utilization of stitches with easy to follow appliques for the overlay to take an okay blanket and push it over the top for cuteness. Sara has gone that extra step to make the blankets look and feel special.
One of the sets is called the Seedling Set. There is that popular graph-ghan concept in making that particular afghan. I really like the simplicity of the shaping and easy to follow a graph to make it successful.
Overall, a well-executed book of ideas and patterns. I like the simplicity without over-complicating the process of crochet. This book is definitely worth checking into to add to your crochet library.
You can find more information about this book on Leisure Arts. You may be able to find this book in reputable locations that offer crochet pattern books.
PS... This is not a paid review. Sara sent me her book for me to take a peek at. She did a great job.
Kelly says
Mikey says