It breaks my heart that there is a need for Chemo Caps in today's modern age of medicine. Not only does the recipient worry about finding out they have cancer, but then the treatment stages that can become obvious to strangers, such as hair loss, become apparent. It's a tough time. Though I have never...
Bernat Handicrafter Yarn Patterns
70 Crochet Pineapple Stitch Patterns
The Crochet Pineapple Stitch is elegant and can be very lacy depending on the application and yarn. It's an elevated stitch. In doily work, it's fine details but for me, I prefer to use Patons Grace Yarns instead of thread yarns. I've been crocheting for over 30 years and the fine threads don't work well...
Crochet Roll Down Baby Booties + Tutorial
These popular crochet roll-down baby booties use Bernat Handicrafter yarn, which is 100% cotton yarn. Grown in the USA and processed for colours in Canada. You can substitute easily with Lily Sugar'n Cream or Peaches & Cream yarn. 100% cotton is important for this application for a baby to wear. The upper cuff of the...
Crochet Scalloped Dishcloth Pattern + Tutorial
Introducing the Scalloped Dishcloth that is simple yet practical. You have a choice on the types of yarns used to make this. However, you must use 100% cotton if you are using this for cleaning and in the kitchen. Acrylic yarns will not work for washing dishes and everyday use. You can use Lily Sugar'n...
Does Cotton Matter in the Kitchen: The Experiment
Coming up shortly is the new "Crochet for the Kitchen Series". If you have been following along with my crochet tutorials and ideas over the past 8 years, you will know I haven't got into cotton much. There are some reasons for that or should I say excuses. Many years ago, I made a dishcloth...
Crochet Reusable Mop Pattern + Tutorial
DIY Crochet Floor Duster Mop Learn how to make your own reusable cotton floor duster mop for your cleaning kits. The cover for you dusters is made of cotton, which means it can be machine washable in between cleanings and quickly attaches back onto the duster due to the design elements I have made to...
Woodsy Crochet Flower Dishcloth + Tutorial
Decorate for fall and possibly craft tables in the shows. This is the Crochet Woodsy Sunflower Dishcloth. This dishcloth came in as a request from a crocheter. Dishcloths don't always have to be used but just part of your decor. These would make create doily-like decorations for a table as well. In the tutorial, I...
20 Reusable Crochet Shopping Bag Patterns
Reusable Crochet Shopping Bags In today's society, we must strive hard to cut down on items that are temporary in use. Items such as plastic shopping bags. It's estimated that globally, we use one trillion shopping bag. It's not just grocery stores contribution to this but also department stores and take-out restaurants that use plastic....
Crochet and Knitting Books Mikey Owns
Updated: May 22, 2023 Mikey has a vast collection of books that he has collected over the years. His first book was purchased when he was fourteen years old. The rest of the books he bought and/or received from the conception of The Crochet Crowd in 2008. The Harmony Guide to Crochet Stitches by Lyric...
Crochet Spa Facecloth + Tutorial
Crochet Spa Facecloth The Crochet Spa Facecloth is the same pattern of the Chrysanthemum Dishcloth we have. So I have rejigged the tutorial to show this picture. If you were looking for gift ideas, this spa kit, along with some bath bombs and bubble baths would make a wonderful Mother's day gift. Or great kits...
Snowflake Candleholder Centerpiece
Snowflake Candle Holder Centerpiece This Snowflake Candle Holder Centerpiece Pattern is my very first design. I was looking for something holiday related and I couldn't find exactly what I had in mind. I put my hook into the wind with my pad of paper by my side and made up on my own version. Please...
Crochet Comfort Rice Bag Pattern
Crochet Comfort Rice Bag I designed this simple crochet comfort rice bag out of personal necessity for myself. I suffer from headaches and any kind of relief at the moment is much needed. They do say, the best ideas come from "see a need, fill a need" concepts. Why buy something from the store when...
25 Crochet Summer Top & Overlay Outfits
With North American spring, summer and fall, the temperatures can be all over the place depending on your position from the equator. This round-up of 25 Crochet Summer Top and Overlay Outfits may spark some ideas. Some of the tops are revealing while other tops can provide you personal privacy if that's your preference. For...