Instant Pots are all the Rage
Many people we know have an Instant Pot. Cathy, our bookkeeper has one and is going on and on about it! And, it's because she knows our Diva Dan is a cook and uses his crock pot a lot! So guess who wants and Instant Pot? Yep, Diva Dan! Here's Daniel sucking up to get an Instant Pot. We are in the process of moving, so the answer was no until after we move!
Patterns for Instant Pot
Crocheters have already started making covers for Instant Pot. I'm going to share a few things before the links.
- Instant Pot is an appliance. Do not use the cover while the Instant Pot is in use.
- Use 100% Cotton Yarns like Lily Sugar'n Cream or Bernat Handicrafter Yarn. Cotton is easy to wash and durable! It can also withstand heat but again, don't use the cover while the appliance is on.

Free Recipes
If you are looking for recipes for your Instant Pot. Here's a link to the Instant Pot Recipe Library.
Here are some paid patterns I have found:
Even if the style doesn't suit you, the designers have figured out the sizes and you can substitute colours for our own personal decor. So far, I have only found 2 designs. So I think this type of pattern will become more popular among pattern writers seen on Ravelry, ETSY and blogs. I was not able to find any free patterns at this time.
Click the picture to go directly to the pattern page.
Guineal Redman says
I can't seem to find a link to any of the images for the instant pot covers, or maybe there aren't any images?
Nancy Parks says
There are two sizes of Instant Pots a 6 qt the dimensions of which is 9.4 x 9.4 x 6.2 inches and the 8 qt which is 10.4 x 10.4 x 6.9 inches. Please be aware and mark which pot you are creating for. Yes, I realize the 8 quart will slip over both. Good Luck everyone and have a blast.
Dale Griffin says
Dan NEEDS the 7in1 instant pot for the trip. It will be the first thing ready to cook with when you arrive at the new homestead.