Mikey and Diva Dan's First Moments
Meet our dog with currently no name. We are waiting for the personality to tell us what her name should be. She's one of 9 puppies. Daniel has been dying for a dog. Part of our move to Nova Scotia was the ability to have a dog and some other farm creatures on the grounds. So this is part one, GULP. I fear ducks are most likely next.
Her parents were a partial rescue situation where they had an owner that has aged to the point where he couldn't take care of them as they deserved. So the new owner agreed to take the pair to have on their hobby farm. Unknown, the mother was pregnant. The new owner of the dogs is not a breeder.

She would come to have 9 puppies. The video shows the mother's last moments with our new family member. Daniel walked with our new member to the front of the lot as mom looked on. I caught the last moments and watched off-camera. I was heartbroken for her in every way. It was dust in the air, I swear that was making my eyes water for her.
We quietly promised her mom we would treat her well. I told her that I wasn't much of a dog guy but I would try. Our cats were a little put-out. They are still in adjustment mode. This puppy doesn't react to them or have the need to let them know who is boss. She's so incredibly calm.
I put together our first day with this puppy. A name will come when it suddenly hits us. If you want to suggest a name or two, let me know in the blog comments. At this moment, I'm open to suggestions.
Kathleen Fischer says
I would name her Nova.
Beth Hasilo says
What a touching video especially when Mamma was saying goodbye to her Baby. You could call her 'Danikey' (for Dan & Mikey) or Mikedan (for Mikey & Dan). No matter what you choose, she has found a wonderful loving home! ❤❤
Beth Hasilo says
What a beautiful video & 'Momma saying goodbye' to her baby was so touching. You could call her 'Danikey' or 'Mikan' (for Dan & Mikey / Mikey & Dan). I'm certain she has found a wonderful home whatever you decide to name her. ❤