How well do you know crochet, yarn, shopping and The Crochet Crowd? Test yourself below. This is best playable on a desktop, laptop, iPad or tablet. When you get them all correct, a big gold star will jump out at you. Good luck!
If you love crosswords, we have a Crochet Crossword Blanket Pattern too.

Crochet Crossword Answer Key

Sharon says
great fun, I have a few mistakes. Are answers available?
Mikey says
I just added it to the article. Did you get lots right!?
Sharon says
I did get lots right, about seven wrong, didn't spell poupie correct, I put poopie so it didn't show, but I knew the answer 🙂 Such fun! Thanks again
Pam Hemenway says
I wish this puzzle was printable.
Teresa J Bell says
If you "save as" you can print it out, js