Are years of crocheting getting to your hands? Maybe it is time to adjust your tools to accommodate the changes in your body. For years, I have noticed my hands numbing occasionally. Picking up smaller tools like tapestry needles and even fashion-like small scissors is becoming more of a challenge for me. In 2024, the...
Crochet and Knitting Advice
For crochet beginners, the Crochet Crowd offers valuable advice to navigate the world of yarn. Their tips focus on understanding the fundamentals of crochet, providing insights into the "how," "what," and "why" of working with yarn. This guidance serves as a helpful resource for new enthusiasts looking to enhance their skills and enjoyment of the craft.
Surprising Realisation about Knitting Tension... Is It YOU?
Before I started The Crochet Crowd, I tried knitting a rainbow scarf for myself. It turned out great, but the scroll on the edges was unbelievable. It was the stockinette stitch. Since opening The Crochet Crowd, I realized the edges have to be opposite to each other to create the look you see but noticed...
Knit Tricks: How to Keep Perfect Stitch Edges + Tutorial
As a new knitter, your edges can look like hell. The tension can create horrible edges, and you may question whether knitting is right for you. There's a simple trick you can do—it's too simple to be true. BUT IT WORKS! Just slip-stitch the first loop purl-wise onto the other needle without doing anything to...
What Happens to The Tutorial Samples Shown on The Crochet Crowd?
Mikey teaches crochet on YouTube and constantly releases free patterns. People often ask what happens to the samples. Does he sell them? How can they get their hands on one of Mikey's samples? The quick answer is Donations. Mikey lives within a community of outreach, whether it's women's shelters, search and rescue, school programs, day...
Is Michael Sellick, aka Mikey, Gay?
The quick answer is yes, but there are limits, which I will discuss below. Daniel and I have been together since 2009 and built a life together. We brought each other out of the ruins of our lives at that moment and formed a bond to hold onto and share a life with each other....
How Yarn is Made from Plastic Bottles + Video Demonstrations
In 2023, we had an introduction to one of the stitch-alongs with our friends at Jimmy Beans Wool. The crochet blankets were available in two different formats. First was the Metropolis version, which was 75% Extra Fine Merino wool and 25% Nylon, but the other was called Scrumptious, which was 50% recycled bottles and 50%...
Mikey's Preferred Crochet Hooks on Camera and In-Person
Mikey has a preferred crochet hook that can be found on Amazon Canada, and you will most likely be able to see it on different Amazon platforms around the globe. These hooks are provided in a set of 9 hooks. The colouring you see is rubberized, so it's comfortable for the hand, but there is...
What Does An Online Creator Do?
Have you ever wondered what a creator does? Have you seen creators and think to yourself, oh, they are just doing this and that and getting paid? So why does a creator feel stressed, burned out and exhausted? From the public's point of view, the creator creates content, presents it, and does it with a...
How Does Joann's Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Affect Us?
There is a question about Joann's Chapter 11 bankruptcy in the USA. The Crochet Crowd has no direct contact with anyone at Joann Fabrics and Crafts. The stitch-alongs are worked through 3rd party; in this case, Yarnspirations handles all communications as a liaison, and we are only focused on the stitch-along to provide resources. This...
They Want to Hear From You! Yeah, They Do! Seriously
Have you been going to a yarn store and noticing that the yarn that you used to buy is gone and has been replaced by a substitute? Suddenly, my videos suggest yarn that you cannot buy locally but used to be able to. You are not alone. Complaining online about stock makes little difference for...
How Yarn is Prepared and Packaged: Behind the Scenes Videos
Today, I am going to show you a rare behind-the-scenes look at how yarn is made. This article shows the process after the yarn is spun. See detailed pictures. Ivy, pictured to the right, is a youngster who captures our emotions when finding that special yarn on the shelves. How does the yarn get made...
What Are the Loom Knitting Ring Sizes?
Usually, the loom knitting rings are sold as a kit. Up to 4 sizes are in one package but which one do you use? I made the assumption that the smallest was for babies, the next size for kids, the next size adults and the largest size for things bigger. The room looms can be...
Stay Organized with Yarn Colours Crochet Tip
When working with multiple colours in one project, I get paranoid that I will insert the wrong colour in the wrong place when following a pattern. In patterns, colours are represented by letters of the alphabet. I show the idea on my Red Heart Soft labels below. Example Red Heart Soft, 141 g/5 oz, 234...
6 Ways to Join Squares and Motifs Together + Tutorial
It's easier to show you how the ways to join your granny squares and motifs together through a tutorial. Today, let me demonstrate that for you. In this tutorial, you will learn the following: For demonstration reasons, I used a really bright colour when joining the blue squares together to show you where to place...
Are Polyfils Equal to Each Other?
The quick answer is "no". So, let's see what the differences can be. Have you ever bought a pillow for your bed? You give it a squeeze test at the store. You have a choice of soft, medium or hard. It's not always about how stuffed the form is; it's about the choice of materials...
Yarn Is Not For the Birds...
Warning! Leaving yarn out for birds can be extremely dangerous! Many people, including yarn enthusiasts, leave out yarn scraps with good intentions, hoping to help birds build their nests. However, this practice can have devastating consequences for the birds. Yarn and string can easily entangle birds of all ages, especially vulnerable chicks. These entanglements can...
Yarnspirations #Yarnspo Hashtags and Brands
New effective July 16th is the updated version of #Yarnspirations to now being #Yarnspo. #Yarnspo will be the new nickname for Yarnspirations and will continue to be the main umbrella hashtag for Yarnspirations. Speaking personally, for myself, I'm super glad about it because I am known to spell Yarnspirations incorrectly and it's a long name...
May 2019 Crochet Binge-Watching on Netflix
May 2019 Crochet Binge-Watching I crochet in front of the TV at night time. Most times working on samples that appear in videos. In my lifetime, I have heard more TV shows/movies that I have physically stared at the screen for. In some cases, I've been disappointed when I look up and what I am...
9 Tips for Crochet Tension Solutions
Do You Have Bad Crochet Tension? Crocheters often ask how to get more consistent with their hook. It's all comes down to tension. Here are some ideas for more even stitchwork: 1 - Practice Obviously, practicing makes for even motion from the hook. With time, your stitches will find it's natural position. Get used the...
Crochet Pattern Testing Exercise
Crochet Pattern Testing Exercise The Crochet Crowd testing team goes through a lot when testing one of our patterns and does a significant amount of revisions. It could be a number of factors that are wrong with a pattern. The goal is to find as many pattern issues as possible and let the team work...
Crochet Multiple Yarn Strands + Tutorial
Crocheting with Multiple Strands Doubling or more yarn strands can significantly change your crochet for a number of positive features. Let me share some interesting facts about this particular crochet topic. Adding More Yarn Strands with Thicken Project. It will make the project heavier in weight. It will make the project bigger because the yarn...
Difference of Being Authentic
I was thinking about the role of social media host and their responsibility to call things for what they are. Labelling content with authenticity. Indulge me in some free form thinking. Social media hosts can get into hot water if they are using statements that may not be accurate to define a situation, skill or...
Mission To Change Cheerleading in The Yarn Arts
The unwritten divide in the yarn arts between crocheters and knitters baffles me. Yes, I get it; people have a preference for hobbies and material choices. Why is there a wall between the hobbies? You can leave me a comment at the bottom of this blog. I don't understand this need to be exclusive when,...
Where is the Bottom of the Free Fall?
The Crochet Crowd is currently in free-fall mode, collapsing right before my eyes. I'm explaining why. When I started this journey back in 2008, what I do online has morphed so many times. Artificial intelligence (AI) came along and was first reported to be tested for the Google algorithm in 2015. It's been eight years...
Self Proclamation of Being a Crochet Designer
In the world of crochet, there is a multi-tier of what separates the home crocheters from a teacher to a master teacher to a designer and so on. For myself, I went from a very amateur crocheter directly to YouTube Host. As most of you have realized, I am growing along with you as a...
Pattern Reviews Help Others - More Than You Know
A couple of years ago, Yarnspirations did an upgrade to their site which included pattern reviews of each of their patterns. There is also the ability to ask questions that get documented for others to see as well. Myself, I have used this section a few times when I am struggling to see if someone...
Dying Yarn with Kool-Aid
Dying Yarn with Kool-Aid Mikey shows you how to dye yarn with Kool-Aid. This is a step by step photographic tutorial as detailed below. Mikey ran into a local artist with the most interesting scarf. He asked her about the maker of the yarn and it turns out it was Cherry Kool-Aid. She shared her...
Top 10 Crochet Blogs of 2021
The Top 100 Blogs are measured and changed throughout the year through Feedspot. We've maintained the top of this list for years and continue into 2021 with maintaining the lead. Being on top means hours and hours of paying attention to the crocheter's needs and maintaining a consistent blog presents. Honestly, some days, I'm absolutely...
Length of Daylight Impacts My Crochet
Being Canadian and higher up from the equator allows our daylight and nights to be extended depending on the calendar. The amount of daylight dictates my creative time as I tend to crochet in the evenings when I feel it's too late to go outside. While I can shift to crocheting outside, depending on weather...
19 Patterns to Calm Deja Poo of the Mind
Crochet patterns can be meditative to some degree and can quiet the mind of repetitive self-destructive thoughts. It's like "Deja Poo, you've heard that crap before and it's circling your mind over and over and over." Many of us can circle in our minds scenarios and situations we have faced or tough decisions we will...
11 Crochet Stitches That Deserve the Finger
There are some crochet stitches that exist that are so evil and awful, it causes me to roll my eyes back into my head and give it the finger! I know, we use our fingers and wrists to create magic but sometimes, there are stitches that are definite RSVP DENIED right out of the gate....
10 Complaints with Yarn
Some of us look at our balls as half empty and others look at half full. These are classic complaints, some major eye-rollers! You can expect sarcasm so if that doesn't float your boat, click away! Yarn Squeaks On Hook Oh sweetie pies, is your yarny warny squeaking on your little hook of yours! Oh...
How Caron Simply Soft Yarn is Made
Caron Simply Soft With permissions extended by Spinrite LP, makers of Caron Yarns, I've been granted to show you how the Automatic Yarn Ball Winding Machines look and work at the Caron Factory in Little Washington, North Carolina. I wrote an article about how the Caron One Pound Yarn Balls are made showing you the...
How To Become a Social Media Influencer
Influencing others through education or sales is a fine line in social media. I've come to this journey in 2008 before Social Media became a thing. I had to learn how to understand the programming before social media tools were ever available. In this free workshop, I'm showing you what to watch for and remember;...
Mikey O Matic Yarn Feeder Platform
This yarn feeder homemade tool is 4-in-1 tool for keeping the yarn from tangling. It requires one piece of wood and 2 - 27" wires. Plans are provided. This is the Mikey O Matic Yarn Feeder Platform. It's a homemade tool to solve a problem that Mikey has when wanting to use the beginning and...
3 Jacked Up On A Hack Crochet Tips
Behind the scenes crochet tips that happen without you realizing it. Mini swatches of problem solutions. The power of a swatch may be much better than the Star Wars force! I'm just saying, you don't need a black mask and dusty robes to get the hook to speak to you. You can always swatch! I...
Confessions of an Overweight Crocheter
As overweight and male crocheter I have obstacles in my crochet interest. I don't even know if I should admit this stuff but let's keep the blog honest. I struggle with certain elements of crochet that I feel are blocked from me. Partially due to my gender but also due to my weight and body...
Your Crochet Journey Journal
Create your Crochet Journey Journal Does size matter? Yep, it does for me and I realized that in 2018. Every year, I have the intention of keeping a crochet journal. I start with a binder and by February, it's collecting dust and moved off my desk never to be seen again. Occasionally in the year,...
Crochet Driftwood Hooks from Nova Scotia
I recently discovered through a friend these handmade crochet hooks made right here in Nova Scotia with driftwood. I was captivated by them as I walk the beaches here and the driftwood is visually amazing. The idea that someone thought to collect the wood and make hooks is really amazing to me. They have a...
34 Thoughtful Gifts to Give Crocheters
The Crochet Hippopotamus is definitely cute, but what if you were looking for a gift to buy crocheters. Non-crocheters message us looking for gifting ideas, especially at Christmas time to look for buying a crocheter that is related to the hobby. I talk about Big-Box Retailers and Independent Stores. Big-Box retailers are the massive chain...