Drop Stitch Tunic
You all need to beat me with a stick for me to finish filming the Drop Stitch Tunic. I actually have completed this pattern back at the beginning of June. Most of the tutorial is filmed and it's so simple... maybe even a child could do it.
Get this free pattern, Drop Stitch Tunic Crochet Pattern.
Now before you get all judgy on me and say silly things, haha. I realized this pattern is more than just a draped look on this model, it can be so much more.
This tunic design can fit all sizes if you really examine it. The tunic is crocheted from top to bottom going across the body. So if you need to cover more, you simply continue. Essentially, you could grab a shirt that fits you and lay the panel over the front of the shirt to get the sizing that works for you. Easy peasy!
You have to create two panels and then whip stitch or single crochet them together. For my mannequin, I thought the neck was a bit droopy for it. So I added a few extra stitches at the top to make the neckline more inline to the size of the mannequin. Essentially, if you put this on and don't like the neckline, you can simply add more stitches to tighten it up. Great versatile pattern.

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So why I did I say don't get all judgy? What if you changed the yarn to cotton yarn and this is as a beach cover-up. This way you can have the exaggerated holes in the garment so your hot skin can breathe. It drops low enough but you can make it longer into a dress if you wanted to. This way, you can hide that 'junk in the trunk' if you prefer and still look amazing at the beach! Also, you don't have to wear a t-shirt and sweat yourself to death to hide your body.
Great design by the Double Stitch Twins!
Kim Bosley says
Mikey says