Like a reality show of this was a hard decision, this was definitely a tough decision to make. Book 2 has been paused until further notice.
We are in a unique position of being 100% cyber-oriented and accountable which feels like 24-7. Communication between our community and our leadership team is substantial. We aren't sitting around waiting for work but trying to balance a Jenga Game and trying to play cards at the same time. There is a lot of moving parts as they would say in the corporate world.
We've been working on the book since May 2021 but as the months moved on and we were designing and completing the tasks to form the content, there is a fine balance of squeezing in design time in between the other tasks:
- Filming.
- Blog writing.
- Community messages that come in from various platforms.
I really do enjoy blogging as it's real-time communications and messaging. The book is so far in the future, today's opinions are usually moot opinions by then unless it's a pivotal milestone moment.
Balancing our regular duties and doing a book, after doing Book 1, is a time management challenge. I need to make sure we are delivering our best instead of squeezing time in to fulfil a need to get it over with.
We did our launch for Book 1 and watching the family's faces, I saw the joy and I wondered if Book 2 content, at least my portion, was rushed to do the task and move on. I love textures, I love challenges and I felt some of the concepts I did were breaking my own personal style. I didn't have the sense of pride that I should be feeling.
Book 1 had storytelling, which we wanted to maintain but since Book 1, we have been in place without much real contact. We don't have a lot of stories to share, other than our own personal experiences with cyber communications and stories we saw coming through the computer due to the pandemic. It makes as a spectator, not a participant. Not enough time has passed, in our opinion.

As the months rolled on, I slashed a few projects and some I was on the fence about whether it was too simple to fill space. Some patterns are better as free patterns with no commitment from the community. Every pattern in the book should be our best work.
We still had to produce a few more projects at this point and two items I needed to crochet again as I didn't like the colour in the end. With time ticking onward, it was finally time to make a decision whether Book 2 is possible at this time.
With supply chain issues that are real, it is highly possible that items in Book 2 that we have designed now will be using an obsolete yarn by the time the book comes out. It would make the fresh pattern outdated instantly.
With this decision, the tough communication between our publisher of raising the red flag to let him know our concerns. John responded with support and understanding. With this, book 2 has been paused. It's the best decision.

Knowing that some of the designs we have may become obsolete by discontinued yarn, we have decided to go ahead and release them as free patterns when the time is right. This includes the Study of Possibilities Blanket. This is scheduled for release in early 2022 as one of the first designs of the new year. I have to do another test to double-check the tester's notes.
Knowing When to Say When
It comes down to knowing yourself, knowing the level of work you are capable of and especially knowing how much you are capable of producing. I would rather pause Book 2 than put out a book just to fill a spot in a book store. The timing has to be right.
It's possible that Book 1 will be the only book we ever do, but the door isn't closed as the future is yet to be written. For now, we will release the patterns out as they are mostly finished in crochet and the yarn is currently available.
Patterns Expected to be Released In the Future Include:
- Braided Pumpkins - Mikey Design
- Gigantic Pine Cones - Mikey Design
- Spectrum Rays Scarf - Mikey Design
- Fisherman's Baby Photo Moment Outfit - Anita Design
- Cuddly Season Blanket and Lovey - Mikey Design
- Churning Tides Hat - Mikey Design
- Framed Textures Afghan - Jeanne Design
- Prayer Shawl - Jeanne Design
- Cuddle Me Baby Blanket - Jeanne Design
- Cowl, Fingerless Mitts and Hat Trio - Megan Design
We have other designs that were shelved as not being complicated enough for book quality such as the 18-Stitch Sampler Tide Blanket.
We want you to have our best.
Cathy Gregoire says
I was very disappointed with your comments about Christmas and your second book.
First, everyone hasn't even gotten the first book yet, nor have they been able to try out the patterns and enjoy the same. It reminded me of a hurry up looking to make money. Maybe if it said something about hoping to get a second book next year or so, that would be fine. I had the feeling (and I only speak for myself) there was to be gathering of information (starting now) when people haven't even enjoyed your first book, or maybe people would receive yarn as a Christmas present to make something from the patterns therein. The joy is gone.
As to your described Christmas Holidays, I have been in the same place. I always found any present I received had a value; i.e. knee socks - would keep my legs warm in the winter; a paper pad would be great to write stories and notes on. And maybe the person giving the gift, that was all they could afford. A nice blank card that gives a few sentimental written lines would be deemed as dear.
I was taught that the few small things I received for Christmas were precious and to be thankful for the same. One never knows the circumstances of someone else's life, money, etc. and take it for what it is.
I don't know if I got the next part right (sorry if I am wrong). It seems you have over-spent once again. You both have a beautiful house, which is tastefully decorated. It did not have to be a show-place in the very beginning. You have traveled far and there is much to see out there in the world, and maybe a souvenir from one of the cruises would have decorated your home just as well.
I had not seen your yard/land for a while. When I did see the pictures, I could not believe all the additions. My first thought was that you were making a "Never-land" like Michael Jackson. How can two people even enjoy all the additions, let alone wonder how much money was spent.
It's time to think about your futures. Maybe seeing a Financial Advisor can put you on the right track as well as a spending counselor. I was so saddened about the article in that it included the second book. Maybe you should take some time to relax, get some professional advice about funds and start to enjoy life.
I heard you say you love where you are living now and I hope that continues, but on a way smaller scale.
I am only writing this sort of rebuttal, because, parts of it were me, long ago. Hopefully I am a little wiser. I have had to say, I am sorry, we are not doing presents this year, but have donated money (it could be $2.00) to some well deserved organization.
o.k. this is the end, Crochet Crowd followers, my shoulders are broad, let the good times roll.
Joan says
Did we read the same post? I'm not sure where any mention of Christmas was in the post. And, really, what business is it of anyone how MIkey and Dan live, ie, how large the house is, what additions are done. No idea where that came from. I read into the book delay as a wise time management decision on their part. I really do feel like you are trying to stir the pot a bit with your "broad shoulders" comment.
Mikey and Dan, thank you for what you do. I love your tutorials! Best wishes for future endeavors and I always look forward to new patterns.
Suzanne Mabry says
I was looking forward to the next book. You stated that you have run out of stories. Ideal you could incorporate blubs of your many followers, of how they started crocheting. For me, I had a stroke several years ago and lost my fine motor skills, my neurologist suggested crocheting, and that is how I found you and your great tutorials. Thanks so much for your time and effort!
Angi Jenkins says
Mikey and Dan,
Thank you so much for all you do for our community. I wouldn't have become a crocheter without you and this community. I took a few in person classes but it didn't click until I found you. I applaud you for taking your time with all you do, be it a second book or a new stitch along. I love the way you put yourself into each project you produce so that the community gets the very best. I also appreciate your transparency with our community. Take your time, take care of yourself and each other. You are very special people and I'm so happy you have welcomed me and many others into your lives.
Angi Jenkins